LA-06: Republican Student Leader Loses Post over Support of Cazayoux

It seems that everyone is supporting Don Cazayoux in the contest for Louisiana's sixth congressional district– even the incoming president of the College Republicans at Louisiana State University.  Smoot Carter, a junior at LSU, announced his support for Cazayoux at a news conference last Thursday, prompting Louisiana Federation of College Republicans Chairman Rudy Perciful Jr. to ask Carter to resign.  Republican candidate Woody Jenkins' past includes support for the notorious bigot David Duke, a controversy that appears to have influenced Carter's decision. 

“I decided to support Don Cazayoux, and felt that the 1,600 students I represent in the College Republicans could not stand for anti-Semitism,” Carter said.

Sounds like more good news for our side! 

3 thoughts on “LA-06: Republican Student Leader Loses Post over Support of Cazayoux”

  1. these are exactly the sort of names I would invent if I was discussing a feud between southern Young Republicans, or a duel between 1840s-vintage Louisiana state legislators: “Smoot Carter” and “Rudy Perciful Jr.”

  2. As a chair of a university College Democrats, I dont see me to having any power to make endorsements or anything like that, why the hell would any really care what I think.

    I guess I feel that because I am still quite a nobody in the DFL fold.  But my College Dems only has like maybe 40 active members.  If Carter does have 1,600 actual College Republicans in his club (he very well might, I found a student pop. of 30,000 as of 2002 at LSU, my school is 5,000 and pretty politically inactive and Republicanish) so if I led 1,600, I would really consider doing something like this to sway some voters.

    This is awesome though, 🙂  Rock on Cazayoux and Childers, the Republicans are fucked for this election and it is so justified.  Them and their horrible policies that destroy our country are finally being rejected by the masses.  I cant wait to party Nov 4th. after GOTV and watch the results come in, I’m gonna have a couple of beers and celebrate the end of it all in downtown St. Paul surrounded by hundreds of my fellow Dems, it makes me tear up a little just thinking about it.  I constantly tell myself, it will all be over soon.  I started a count down to days left of Bush on the dry erase board in my place.  ðŸ™‚

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